Slinky Villas

Bali Property Prices

Rich Foreigners Driving Up Bali Property Prices

Foreign investors are flocking to Bali and buying up property, especially those along the beautiful beaches. Who are these investors? You’ll see the women strutting along in their spikes and sexy dresses accompanied by their men in comfy pants and button-down shirts. They are spending their money in a local restaurant drinking champagne and eating truffles during the day, and busting a move at night enjoying the nightlife. These, are the same people that are buying up property at every chance they get.

Luxury property prices in Bali jumped more than anywhere else in the world for similar type properties. Jakarta say an increase of 38%, compared to the runner up Dubai at 20%. While Monaco remains the most expensive place to buy at 5,920 a square foot, Bali is quickly catching up. So what does this mean for locals and visitors alike?

These wealthy buyers are coming from Australia, the UK, and France, as well as Singapore and Hong Kong expats who keep the market afloat. They are purchasing vacation homes, private villas, hotels, and condo-hotels.

For the most part, the locals are not affected by this buying frenzy, and as long as the government protects local lands for local people it will remain as such. For tourists that come to stay, there could be many benefits as foreign investors buy up Bali villas or build new villas, and then make these available to tourists up and down the island for reasonable rates. It’s a far better accommodation idea than staying in a hotel.

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Bali villas

Why Bali Should Top Your Must Visit Holiday Destinations

Bali is so easily accessible by air, than many tourists imagine. The image of Bali as an island on the South East Asia region tends to convince many that they can only access it via the sea, but this is not true. You can visit the islands through different international airlines. The island is home to numerous resorts and luxury villas, excellent hotels not forgetting the scenic landscapes that make it a top tourist destination. The presence of millions of tourists in Bali has not destroyed its uniqueness.

If you are looking for top class or luxury accommodation, you will be spoilt for choice here. You can choose from home stays where a tourist can spend $20 per night, but if this is not your thing, you can go for the super deluxe resorts and luxury villas, which can cost up to $2,000 per night. You do not have to stay in a single location during your entire vacation at Bali. You can shift from one resort or villa to another as you keep moving to different areas in the island.

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Mass Tourism

Will The Beauty of Bali Suffer From Mass Tourism?

Bali – The pearl nestled among the Sunda Islands, and for decades a well kept secret. Today it is touted as ‘paradise,’ because of its white sandy beaches, tropical beaches, amazing temples, and local people. However, some are concerned that the Bali that everyone is drawn to, may become a thing of the past as mass tourism grows and Bali pays the price of those increasing demands.

One of the concerns is that Bali’s 3.5 million population will explode beyond recognition, as more and more people come to the island. Sure, these tourists are not permanent residents, but because so many people are travelling to Bali all year long, the island is home to a population that far exceeds the 3.5 million that call Bali home all year round. Every day 13,000 cubic meters of waste is dumped. Every year more than 700 hectares of land are turned into luxury homes for foreigners, and hotels, or to improve roads. The number of cars on the road grows by 13% leading to an increase in massive traffic jams.

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Sundara Bali

Sundara Bali Sees New Beachfront Restaurant Open

If there is one thing Bali has to offer in addition to all its beauty and amazing Bali culture and villas, it is the options vacationers have in dining. Whether you are looking to enjoy local cuisine or the comfort foods of home, you won’t have any problem finding just that. But recently there’s been a lot of talk about a new beach-front restaurant that has just opened.

Sundara Bali is enjoying a beachfront restaurant at the Four Seasons Resort in Jimaran Bay, Bali. This five-star restaurant has a great beach club vibe. The menu is certainly a great mix of eclectic to international. The evening menu offers amazing steak and seafood menu options. The restaurant is open from lunch until the wee hours of the morning so come when it suits you.

You will want to try at least one of the special cocktails on the menu. Many are designed by Javier de las Muelas a mixologist from Barcelona – one of his most famous cocktails is his dry martini.

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Bali Develops 10000 Medicinal Plant Species

The Bali-India Foundation in cooperation with a major international cooperative, is now developing more than 10,000 medicinal plant species with a focus on curing different diseases. Dr. Somvir, the foundation’s chair, is optimistic that they will be able to achieve their goal.

A number of medicinal plant species were imported from India and planted among hundreds of plants local to Bali. These plants have been cultivated for a few years now using organic fertilizers in an effort to maintain and replenish the fertility of the soil. It will take approximately five years before these plants will be able to cultivate these herbs and use them for medicinal purposes.

While working at cultivating the current plants the Bali India Foundation continues to seek out new medicinal plant species that can be added to the collection and later used for medicinal purposes. There are plenty of medicinal plants and what the foundation has to review is whether they will thrive in the Bali region.

The foundation hopes to eventually incorporate medicinal herbs as part of the doctor’s prescriptions and to eventually incorporate it as part of typical medical treatments. Experts have determined there are at least 3,000 medicinal plants are available to offer an enriched treatment experience in Bali.

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